Breast size is important to many women. Some individuals feel that small breasts not only limit their fashion choices, but can also cause dissatisfaction with body image. Breast augmentation to increase fullness and projection of the breasts improves the balance in a woman’s figure and can enhance her self-image and self-confidence.
Breast augmentation enlarges a woman’s breasts through the surgical placement of breast implants. In general, it is a cosmetic procedure strictly performed to fulfill your personal desire for fuller breasts or to restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy. Implants may also be used for reconstructive purposes to restore a breast that is lost due to mastectomy, injury or for other reasons. In any case, breast implants allow women the choice of fuller, natural appearing breasts and a more balanced figure.
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A complete lower body lift treats sagging buttocks, abdomen, waist, hips, and outer thighs in one procedure or in staged procedures. Incision patterns vary, and may include a circumferential incision around the body to remove the “belt” of excess skin and fat.
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Enlarged male breasts, also known as Gynecomastia, can cause emotional discomfort and impair your self-confidence. This affects an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men. Though certain drugs and medical problems have been linked with male breast over-development, there is no known cause in the vast majority of cases. It may affect only one breast or both.
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Scar revision is surgery to improve or reduce the appearance of scars. It also restores function, and corrects skin changes (disfigurement) caused by an injury, wound, or previous surgery.
Scar tissue forms as skin heals after an injury (such as an accident) or surgery. The amount of scarring may be determined by the wound size, depth, and location; the person’s age; heredity; and skin characteristics including color (pigmentation).
Scar revision is unique in the spectrum of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery because the initial traumatic event and its immediate treatment usually cannot be controlled. Patients who are candidates for scar revision procedures often present after significant loss of regional tissue, injury that crosses anatomically distinct facial aesthetic units, wound closure by personnel less experienced in plastic surgical technique, and poor postinjury wound management.
Diminishing unsightly “spider veins”…
Millions of women are bothered by spider veins — those small yet unsightly clusters of red, blue, or purple veins that most commonly appear on the things, calves, and ankles. In fact, it’s estimated that at least half of the adult female population is plagued with this common cosmetic problem. Today, many plastic surgeons are treating spider veins with sclerotherapy. In this rather simple procedure, veins are injected with a sclerosing solution, which causes them to collapse and fade from view. The procedure may also remedy the bothersome symptoms associated with spider veins, including aching, burning, swelling and night cramps. Although this procedure has been used in Europe for more than 60 years, it has only become popular in the united States during the past two decades. The introduction of sclerosing agents that are mild enough to be used in small veins has made sclerotherapy predictable and relatively painless.
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